Completed Deliverables:
Initial proof of concept for the chatting tool with preliminary research of technologies and frameworks.
Initial module development and research on Google API.Decision making on user interface design.
Coding the interface design and the logic behind it. Re-factoring the code.
Adding end to end chatting functionality using a web space.Database schema design.Code Clean-up.
Incorporate translation functionality using Google API.Testing the accuracy, speed, usability of the application.
Finishing up the testing with quantitative and qualitative discussion.
Design Decisions:
polyGlot was designed and developed with a minimal design that is capable and naive to support users from different cultural and technical boundaries. The application was developed in Java with back-end supported by SQL Database to maintain User registration, Adding Friends, message read delivery, Chatting history for individual users.
Google Translation API will be used to perform translation.
Interface Design:
How it works?
polyGlot is based on client server architecture, which has users on one end and a publicly accessible Database server on the other hand. Initially, the users register themselves on the configured Database server and then adds a friend through the “Add Friend” page. To initiate the chat they send a friend request to whoever they want to chat with. Tables in Database for each user corresponding to its friends and there individual chat history is created and maintained. These tables serve the purpose of maintaining the functionality of read delivery and chat history maintenance. Users can now chat with the selected friends in the Chat room page with the preferred language. The web server is the central block of the application from which messages and received and sent.
What is left?
As of now polyGlot is capable enough to support a normal chatting behaviour where user’s can send and receive messages from each other. In the coming weeks we have to introduce translation functionality so that users with different language background can interact. A typical scenario can be considered with two users A and B. A speaks and understand French, while B understands German only. If users A and B wants to interact, user A has to select French in the Chatroom GUI, whereas B has to select German. Now whatever language each party type in A and B will receive the translated text in the selected language.